The New Zealand Herald

Crime-sensitive Govt on back foot over ram raids

- Claire Trevett comment

The inclusion of a vague proposal to address ram raids in the unveiling of Labour’s law and order Budget package has shown how sensitive the Government is getting about crime.

In the announceme­nt, more prominence was given to the great plan to help businesses thwart ram raids than to the item which had the most funding allocated to it — a $208 million unit to tend to the firearms registrati­on scheme.

But it transpired the ram raids plan did not yet have any funding attached to it, nor was there a plan yet — it was simply an intention.

Ministers had had a meeting and would be having another one. They would also consult with businesses about it. It could be similar to fog cannons rolled out to retail stores, but Police Minister Poto Williams said fog cannons would not be used. Other measures could be, but we do not know what yet.

Williams explained that was because the proposal had come up after the Budget bid cycle ended.

Translated: news headlines on ram raids in Auckland had come up after the Budget bid cycle had ended but the Government needed to be seen to be doing something.

The indication it is planning to help will be welcome news to retailers wary of ram raids — although judgment will need to wait until they know how broad the package is and how effective it might be.

But it might have been better to wait until it was more than half-baked.

The ram raids measure also diverted some attention away from the rest of the package which was fairly solid.

That saw the Justice, Police, Correction­s and the Courts budget measures all announced together — a canny move because lumping them all together makes it look like a much bigger number.

The aim was to try to blunt National police spokesman Mark Mitchell’s claims that Labour is “soft on crime” and was not doing enough to keep people safe.

In that regard, the wider announceme­nt was at least a medium on crime and maximised the area in which Labour can claim credit (thanks to NZ First) for increasing police numbers.

The number of police on the beat has always been an important measure — it’s hard to be hard on crime if there is nobody to be hard, and the visibility of police also serves to reassure the public.

The announceme­nt included funding to ensure police numbers did not drop off again after the current move to increase police numbers by 1800 in total was completed.

It also included money to boost training for police who now face more firearms violence, and for the doublemann­ing of dog squads.

There was also money for more Correction­s officers and for more rehabilita­tion to try to stop re-offending.

But the biggest spend was $208m for a new unit which will take care of the new registrati­on system, in which guns will be registered as well as firearms licence holders.

Williams emphasised the need for that, given without it the police had no idea how many guns there were or where.

What wasn’t in the package was anything to increase police powers to deal with gangs — the area the Opposition parties say action is needed.

Mitchell noted that throwing money at the problem wouldn’t make it go away without tougher consequenc­es for those who broke the law.

Act’s Chris Baillie noted gangs were recruiting members faster than the police could recruit police and called for Gang Control Orders, which would allow police to restrict gang members from associatin­g with particular people or visiting certain locations.

The ram raids plan did not yet have any funding.

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