The New Zealand Herald

The Premium Debate


My clients wouldn’t be too keen if I upped my prices to give myself a pay rise, I’m sure. Seems fine for everyone but oneman bands these days. Marcus A.

Means higher inflation, rising interest rates and a tougher time for all. The extra pay just goes to Grant Robertson’s tax fund.

Anita W.

Our Finance Minister is still in denial. It’s all a global issue for him. Until he recognises that inflation, our upcoming recession, in whatever form that takes, is significan­tly due to the Ardern Government decisions, then nothing will change. Jason L.

This is great news. People on wages will spend the money given to them. Rich people just put more in the bank or demand greater returns from their share portfolio. Time the wage earners got the fruit instead of the few at the top of the tree. Trickle-down theory has been proven not to work. Time for a change. Let’s see where this takes us. Matt J.

We have Adrian Orr saying no more pay increases and we have Andrew Little announcing $200 million a year for pay increases for private sector nurses. Orr is living in another world if he thinks that

employees won’t leave their current employer for another job paying more. Just shows the dysfunctio­n between the Government, Reserve Bank, and reality. Orr and Grant Robertson really haven’t got a clue about how to do their jobs, and the real world where the rest of us live. Guy M.

It’s probably best to not listen to Orr and Grant Robertson. They said this inflation rise was going to be transition­ary. Mark Y.

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