The New Zealand Herald

Concern patients in need avoid hospital ED

- Rowan Quinn

Health bosses fear patients will not turn up to emergency department­s (EDs) when they need to, as long waits and overcrowdi­ng continue.

There have been some high-profile incidents of people leaving before being treated or even triaged, then getting sicker — or dying.

General practition­ers spoken to by RNZ said it was hard to judge how many patients were choosing not to go to EDs, but it was likely happening in small numbers.

Te Whatu Ora medical lead Pete Watson worried about people not turning up, but felt hospitals had been clear those who needed care urgently would get it from them.

“So a lot of our messaging to the community is please ‘make sure you come if you need help’. Our hospitals are there, they’re there 24/7 and if people are sick, they will be triaged and if they need to be seen, they’ll be seen first,” he said.

But that message had gone hand in hand with one telling people to stay away from ED if they were not acutely unwell.

A GP at Etu Pasifika in Auckland, Maryann Heather, said striking a balance and making a decision was difficult for people, especially when they were feeling really sick.

“Everyone who feels unwell, they feel that it is urgent . . . so until you go, you don’t know.

“Then the deterrent is, people hear that message and they don’t want to go, and so they’re sitting on heart attacks and strokes . . . at home.”

Heather had a patient who went to Middlemore at 6pm one day last week and didn’t leave until 7am the next day — and stories like that get around, she said.

“Our coconut wireless is pretty good. People talk, people see stuff, they talk in the community, they talk at church, they talk at home . . . they know what is going on,” she said.

In Christchur­ch, Etu Pasifika clinical director Monica Nua-George knew of a handful of patients who left early from the ED in the past few months.

In all cases, the hospital had followed up to let the clinic know and the patients were able to be treated in the community, she said.

Both doctors said they tried to have a clear plan in place for patients who may deteriorat­e about when to go to the ED.

Te Whatu Ora chair Rob Campbell visited Middlemore Hospital ED at the weekend.

The staff were busy but took the time to tell him about the pressures they were under, including staff shortages and pay rates, he said.

The board wanted to advocate for them, he said.

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