The Northern Advocate

Quick crossword



1. Present (4)

8. Unwillingn­ess (10)

9. Unapproach­able subject (2-2,4)

10. Signal (4)

12. Decoration (6)

14. Of recent (6)

15. Safety cushion (6)

17. Selected (6)

18. Coin (4)

19. Sturdy, dependable type (8)

21. Omissions (10)

22. Quick look (4)


2. Prevent from moving (10)

3. Group of three (4)

4. Grammatica­l term for two or more (6)

5. Scribble (6)

6. High-pitched voice (8)

7. Blood vessel (4)

11. Basic principle of action (6,4)

13. Hard-luck tale (3,5)

16. Idle talk (6)

17. Ballroom dance (3,3)

18. Become blocked (4)

20. Small tuft or lock (4)

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