The Northern Advocate

Your Stars


ARIES (Mar 21-Apr 19): The end of this quest will be the start of the next one. In this light, there’s really no reason to rush to the finish. In fact, you’d do well to slow down so you can absorb the lessons in this stretch of the road. TAURUS (Apr 20-May 20): No one seems to want to say, “I don’t know” today, least of all the clueless. Show up sponge-like. It really is possible to learn through osmosis if you’re open enough.

GEMINI (May 21-Jun 21): When we were children, more seemed possible. We had yet to learn the limits, so it seemed that what we’d later call “magic” was just another way that things might happen. Return to that mind today? CANCER (Jun 22-Jul 22): Honour your flaws. You wouldn’t be you without them. Besides, you’re not going to live with them forever. Some are dropping by the wayside as you read this. You may as well appreciate them while you’re waving goodbye. LEO (Jul 23-Aug 22): Someone is helping you behind the scenes. You can feel the good will even if you don’t know who it is. You may never know the secret angels who are on your side, which speaks to the purity of their generosity. VIRGO (Aug 23-Sep 22): Give someone you love a little breathing room, but you can’t help but check back perpetuall­y, as it seems written in your love clause. “I tried to throw a yo-yo away; it was impossible.” – Mitch Hedberg

LIBRA (Sep 23-Oct 23): They say you can’t go back, it’s never the same when you do. If you physically return, you’ll find the old place has been updated or ravaged by time. Go back in your mind instead and it’s just as you left it. SCORPIO (Oct 24-Nov 21): Historians rarely agree and can theorise endlessly about how things really happened. You’ll be in a similar quandary, with evidence that adds into quite a different story than the one being told to you. SAGITTARIU­S (Nov 22-Dec 21): Stars smile and wink at you as if to sanction your more daring (possibly selfish?) choices. Then again, why shouldn’t your own fun be a priority? CAPRICORN (Dec 22-Jan 19): Owning is overrated. What you own, you have to find a place for, organise, maintain... and it’s a bit much when all you want to do is move around the world unfettered.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb 18): The informatio­n you’re given is incomplete. Ask for more. What’s the plan? What’s the reason? What’s the backstory? The more you know, the more powerful you’ll be in the situation.

PISCES (Feb 19-Mar 20): Your work hasn’t received the deserved accolades. This might take time. What you’ve accomplish­ed will stand the test of time. If you need acknowledg­ement sooner, just draw more attention to what you’ve done.

Previous quick solution

Across: 6. Carry on 7. Meant 9. Cap 10. Debatable

12. False starts 15. Short-handed 17. Foolproof 19. Cab

21. Lunar 22. Pie-eyed

Down: 1. Fatal 2. Irk 3. Note 4. Separated 5. Inflate

8. Raisin 11. Patrol car 13. Sphere 14. Throw up 16. Gavel

18. Omit 20. Hen

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