The Northern Advocate

MPI upbeat over M. bovis reduction

- Kim Gillespie

Thirty-six properties remain infected with Mycoplasma bovis, according to the latest update from the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).

This number, including 18 beef farms, 16 dairy farms and two other properties, is made up of 27 South Island properties and nine in the North Island. The region with the most infected properties is Canterbury with 20, then Waikato with five. Hawke’s Bay is the only previously infected region to be clear at this stage.

Overall, 61 properties are under Restricted Place Notice and 189 properties are under Notice of Direction.

The number of properties on either of these two regulatory controls has fallen below 200 for the first time in several months.

At the time the decision to eradicate was announced more than 400 properties were on regulatory controls.

MPI said in a statement the number would fluctuate as it continued to trace animal movements and test properties with links to infected properties but farmers could take heart that this number had halved in the last few months.

“It shows we are catching up to the disease and that the regulatory controls are working as intended to contain at-risk stock on infected properties.”

Infected farms and farms suspected of having M. bovis have a Restricted Place Notice. This prohibits unauthoris­ed movement of stock and other risk goods on to and off farms.

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