The Northern Advocate

Inflation truths


For the informatio­n of David Seymour, there was a time when our first Labour government was applying policies similar to those of Social Credit and there were four unemployed people in New Zealand. Their names were known to the Minister of Finance.

The basic wage then probably bought more than our present one.

This shows what can be done, as opposed to his unfounded claims.

Nor was there any great inflationa­ry trend. A handle of beer, for example, cost 6d (5c) some years after that.

Inflation of prices became a problem after misguided economists started to use faulty methods to try to prevent it.

Nobody can deny that “wage inflation” could increase prices, but it is hypocritic­al to claim, as most economists do, that inflation of interest rates or taxes will not have the same effects. They also add comparable costs to the industrial process.

Why should it be “evil” to give a fair income to those who produce, but “good” to give more to those with enough spare money to invest?

Or to those with the ability to manufactur­e money out of nothing?

Does this correspond­ent also agree with handing over our sovereignt­y and our assets to internatio­nal business corporatio­ns through agreements such as TPPA? And the ridiculous “trickle down” effect?

John G Rawson


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