The Northern Advocate

Rugby gear off to Mozambique

20kg of playing equipment set for Africa

- Mikaela Collins

AWhanga¯rei teen is excited her hopes of sending rugby equipment to women in Mozambique is finally becoming reality. After Jacqui Cameron and mum Andrea came across an advertisem­ent late last year for a Mozambique women’s rugby team needing donations, the 13-year-old leapt into action and within a few weeks collected about 60kg of gear.

But with shipping costs sitting around the $1800 mark, she needed some help sending it to the African country — and now she has it.

An Albany-based company, Pack and Send, saw the Northern Advocate article about Jacqui’s efforts and offered to pay 50 per cent of costs to send 20kg of gear — which costs about $600 — to Mozambique.

“I thought it was very generous. With all the other crate companies they weren’t able to, so him taking up that offer was quite nice,” Jacqui said.

The teenager, who plays rugby for Marist and coaches under-5s and under-7s, said she had also received $80 in donations and her mum had been selling her brother’s old school uniform which meant they were able to pay the other half.

Tomorrow Jacqui and Andrea will be dropping off the package — containing 10 balls, 30 mouthguard­s and more than 40 shirts — to Pack and Send so it can be delivered to Mozambique.

“I’m quite excited because that 20kg is a lot,” Jacqui said.

The videos which encouraged Jacqui to help were posted by ADEDAR — an organisati­on to develop rugby in Mozambique.

She said in the video there were girls running around playing with a rugged rugby ball, but they had no other gear. “It makes me feel like I’m actually making an impact and hopefully these women are going to be thankful and grateful.”

Jacqui said they would be having a garage sale to raise money to send the rest of the gear over and a Givealittl­e page has also been set up.

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