The Northern Advocate


What you need to know

- Mikaela Collins

Latoya Hood has spent the past two weeks planning and setting up her classroom in preparatio­n for the start of the school year. The Whanga¯rei woman is one of thousands of teachers across Northland who will start heading back to school over the next two weeks.

But the beginning of the year is particular­ly exciting for Hood, tomorrow marks her first day as a teacher.

“I’ll be a teacher — not a student teacher or a teacher in training but I’ll actually be a teacher,” she said.

Hood, 23, will be teaching Year 1 students at Morningsid­e School in a

collaborat­ive classroom, which means rather than having one teacher in a classroom there are two.

“I love it so much. As a BT (beginning teacher) I keep saying to myself I would be stressing out so much by now if I was in a single cell.

“It’s just having that support and that person you can lean on. Like, Sam, my team member who I’m working with, she’s been teaching for 10 years now and she’s really experience­d,” she said.

Hood said while school has been on her mind for a while, it was not until the few weeks leading up to the first day of term one that she started getting in to the “nitty-gritty” of planning.

“Over the last two weeks I’ve probably been in school every day of the week. (Two weeks ago) was setting up the classroom, making sure every thing is in its right place so it works and flows.

“(Last week) it’s all been about the planning. Having a long-term plan — like the kinds of things we want to achieve with the kids, what do we want to get across to the kids; and then just our weekly planning.”

Last year Hood completed her final year of a three-year Bachelor of Education degree at the University of Auckland’s Te Tai Tokerau campus in Whanga¯rei.

Before she started that, she was at Youth Service working with 16 and 17-yearolds who had fallen through the educationa­l system.

“My job was to connect with those kids and support them in either going back in to work, training, or education. I had done that for two or three years and working with youth who had that mindset around education being not good, it kind of just pushed me to teaching,” she said.

Hood is familiar with Morningsid­e School. She completed her second year practicum (teaching placement) at the school and relieved at the school last year.

She even met her students when on her placement.

 ?? Photo /Michael Cunningham ?? Micah Boyte, 5, from Maungatape­re is super excited about his first day of school.
Photo /Michael Cunningham Micah Boyte, 5, from Maungatape­re is super excited about his first day of school.
 ?? Photo/ Michael Cunningham ?? Latoya Hood, 23, is looking forward to beginning her teaching career at Morningsid­e School.
Photo/ Michael Cunningham Latoya Hood, 23, is looking forward to beginning her teaching career at Morningsid­e School.
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