The Northern Advocate

How hot is your suburb?


The OneRoof Property Report suburb valuation tables, powered by OneRoof’s data partner Valocity, show the latest median property values for every suburb* in New Zealand.

The tables are arranged by region, starting at the top of the North Island and finishing at the bottom of the South Island (with the territoria­l authoritie­s and suburbs within each region shown in alphabetic­al order).

What do the tables show?

The tables below show for each suburb, territoria­l authority and region:

● The median property value at February 15, 2021;

● The 12-month change in percent;

● The 12-month change in dollars;

● The highest settled sale price in the year to February 15, 2021; and

● The percentage change on the OneRoof-Valocity House Price Index

What do the numbers mean?

The median property value is the middle point for property values.

Median means “in the middle”, so if for example there are five houses in a suburb and they are valued at $175,000, $200,000, $250,000, $350,000, and $600,000, the median value would be the one in the middle, or $250,000.The median is a good indicator of typical property values within an area because it is not affected by outliers.

The 12-month change indicates how well property values are tracking in the given area. If the percentage change is upwards, then it means the market in the area may be hot and that homes there are selling quickly and for more money. If the percentage change is downwards, then it is a sign that the market in the area is soft or cold, and that properties are selling slowly and for less.

The change in dollars shows how much value gain or loss homeowners in any given area has seen in the last 12 months, while the highest settled sale price indicates how well the top end of the market is doing in each area.

The One-Roof-Valocity House Price Index number shows the change in the housing market in the months since Covid-19 struck New Zealand, and is an accurate measure of recent property boom.

Together these figures give a good overview of what’s happening in the housing market in each region, TA and suburb, and what buyers can expect to pay and sellers can expect to make.

How are the suburb values calculated?

For latest median property value, the tables use an automated valuation model (AVM). The AVM takes into account recorded property attributes and historical property sales data to estimate the value of every residentia­l property value in a suburb.The model is intended to provide an estimate of value at the date it was run.You can find out the value of your own property - and those of your neighbours - at

An interactiv­e carrying more house price data for every suburb in New Zealand can be found at property-report. Alternativ­ely, you can go straight to the interactiv­e using the QR code on the right. Hold your phone camera over the code and click on the link.

*Only suburbs with 10 sales or more in the 12 months to February 15 have been included in the print tables below.The latest property values for all 2606 New Zealand suburbs can be found in the interactiv­e at OneRoof. If you have a question about the data, please contact support@

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