The Northern Advocate


This is Where I Stand By Philippa Werry, illustrate­d by Kieran Rynhart, Scholastic .. .. .. .. .. .. ..


A poignant and timely book with Anzac Day coming up. This is a children’s book about a soldier’s statue reminding us why such statues exist. The statue stands watching the children play, watching people remember Anzac Day and recalls where it all started — the soldiers leaving for war, many not coming back. But here he stands, through growing cities, war protests and ceremonies — “I am a memory. There are many like me . . . I am in the hearts of those who stop and linger.”

A good way to explain Anzac Day to children. Lovely illustrati­ons make this a great picture book with an important tale.

Ellie Copter Nee Naw and Friends

By Deano Yiadee, illustrate­d by Paul Beavis, Scholastic, $19.99

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.. Another singalong story about Nee Naw the little fire engine, this time rescuing Granny from a fire started by two billy goats. The bridge collapses and he calls on Ellie Copter to help. An easy to sing (read) story with quirky illustrati­ons that is a great bedtime reading story.


By Lynley Dodd, Penguin Random House, $17.99

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.. Zachary Quack takes a wander around the garden. He finds a dragonfly and chases along behind it. It’s another lovely rhyming book from popular author Lynley Dodd with peeks of some of her favourite characters in the background. There’s Slinky Malinky on one page, Hairy Maclary on another.

A joy to see and read another picture book from this author.

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Ann Kilduff
— Ann Kilduff

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