The Northern Advocate

Smooth fraudsters take $50k off lawyer

Silver-tongued callers say they are from bank in sophistica­ted scam

- Lochlan Lineham — with Tamsyn Parker

Phone scammers have stolen $50,000 from a lawyer as more Kiwis are targeted by a highly sophistica­ted fraud in which crooks pretend to be bank employees.

The Tauranga man was targeted by scammers who disguised their call as coming from an official ANZ 0800 number.

The fraudsters called the man saying two transactio­ns of more than $5000 were taken from his account and queried whether these were legitimate.

The lawyer said he did not make the purchases and the scammers then told him they would put him through to ANZ’s fraud department. The crooks, posing as the bank’s fraud specialist­s, then gained access to the man’s account.

The lawyer’s son told the Weekend Herald it was a highly sophistica­ted scam.

“They sounded like a normal bank, nothing to suggest they were scammers.

“He actually said to them multiple times ‘Are you scamming me?’ and they were very calm and patient, they weren’t aggressive or anything.”

The man’s son also claimed that ANZ’s actual fraud department took too long to respond, which added to his father’s confusion.

“[My dad] called the fraud department after he realised he might be being scammed. He was on hold for half an hour, possibly more, then it went to answer phone and asked him to leave a message.

“Then the scammers rang, pretending to be from the fraud department, which made it very cloudy to tell who was actually calling you.”

An ANZ spokeswoma­n said the bank couldn’t comment specifical­ly on the case due to privacy reasons.

“We understand when customers get caught in these situations it can be very stressful and we’d like to make sure the customer is getting the support they need.”

She said customers were increasing­ly being targeted by scammers and the man’s case was a reminder for people to be careful with private and financial informatio­n.

The lawyer’s story is similar to that of children’s author Malcolm Clarke who was also called by scammers on what appeared to be a legitimate 0800 number, pretending to be from Kiwibank’s fraud department.

The tricksters then asked for Clarke’s access code, secure key code and full security phrase and told him they would lock and freeze all his accounts if he didn’t provide the informatio­n.

Clarke posted a warning on social media after almost falling for it. He also said the scammers had a calm and collected demeanour and the sophistica­tion of the scam had him “pretty much convinced” it was a legitimate operation.

Clarke told the Herald he was lucky he didn’t fall for the scam but was worried others might.

“I’m in a lucky position but I’m worried as scams escalate, especially for those who are less digitally experience­d and more vulnerable.”

As this type of scam continues to impact more Kiwis, Cert NZ’s acting manager of incident response Jordan Heersping warns people to stay vigilant.

“We have seen an increase in scammers imitating (‘spoofing’) banks’ phone numbers to use in phishing scams,” he said.

Scammers use software to change the number that appears on the victim’s phone screen to make it seem they are calling from that number. It could also come up as a private number, which some banks use when they call customers.

“The attackers are convincing because they have done their research and can duplicate what a bank call centre will say.

“They also use social engineerin­g tactics like urgency, fear and opportunit­y to engage people and, even if you are aware of this, it could catch you out when you’re busy, tired, stressed or focused on other things.”

Heersping said if a person was caught out by the scam, the best thing to do was to report the issue to the bank and CERT NZ, and if any money had been taken, to the police as well.

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