The Northern Advocate

Preserving Russell a price worth paying


Re story: Russell residents hope to rescue historic Custom House building built in 1870 ( Advocate, July 20).

I can't believe that this is an issue at all. This building is so iconic in the context of New Zealand's history and the whole image of Kororareka, that it is difficult to understand that people have to fight to preserve it.

Having been part of Russell for over 30 years it is sad news to learn about the possible demise of one of its most iconic historic buildings. The expense to rescue the old Russell police station from absolute deteriorat­ion mentioned in the article is peanuts when considerin­g it.

Russell has become a Shangri-la for so many wealthy people from all parts of the world, who relish Russell’s ‘historic flair’ and benefit constantly from the charm and uniqueness these old buildings represent.

All Russell residents, long term, newcomers, the ‘swallows', everybody will miss out if this building has to be demolished.

Of course our Government has an obligation, a responsibi­lity which it obviously neglected for too long. Surely, it must be possible to mobilise funds from the supportive wealthy part of Russell and make the Government do their thing, which is restoring this taonga and turn it into a much needed community asset, which can be used by humans, to keep the rats out and the building alive for future generation­s.

I wish the Kororareka Historic Building Trust all the best and hope a successful campaign will make sure we and our children will be able to experience Russell as is, for longer. Thomas Lauterbach


 ?? ?? People have to fight to preserve the historic Custom House building writes Thomas Lauterbach.
People have to fight to preserve the historic Custom House building writes Thomas Lauterbach.

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