The Northland Age


- Kerikeri

life and damages lungs, not only of the smokers but of the kids in the room as well.

Northland Green does exactly the same, although there can be some assistance to a terminally ill person with severe pain before the final palliative care is needed. That decision should be in doctor’s hands. Stop kidding yourself! Smoking pot will hurry you along to the urupa.

I also see the latest research out says waipiro also shortens your life by years, so I had better cut back on that.

SAM McHarg born in Western Europe. Hitler and Stalin tried to establish ‘German’ and ‘Soviet’ science, and both failed. Chinese science was solely empirical, and came to a dead end.

I myself have taught modern physics to Tibetans at the Institute of Buddhist Dialectics in Dharamsala, India, because the Dalai Lama recognised that classic Tibetan culture was deficient in that respect, albeit offering profound insights on other aspects of being human.

No reputable scientist claims that any culture “has a monopoly on human wisdom,” of which modern science is but one vital part. And “complement­arity,” not Anne’s “compliment­ary,” is not exclusive to quantum physics. The wave and particle properties of light provide another example. Bohr’s “tai chi” symbol was neat but not science.

The Royal Society of New Zealand has lost its way, bogged down in the morass of

political correctnes­s.

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