The Northland Age

Jail fodder


I’m typing this on Anzac Day, and find it sad to say that the contents of Tuesday’s editorial (April 24) is something that would get you locked up in the UK under the guise of the latest buzz word, ‘hate speech’.

Yes, you can go to jail in the country that fought alongside most of the civilised world for freedom from oppression in 1939. Lest we forget?

Perhaps Anzac Day will be seen as offensive to someone. It only takes one complaint for it to become a thing of the past. A disservice to those who fought and died, and still do, I may add, that we may not have to.

I’m sure a fair few servicemen who identified as atheist changed their mind while huddled in a crater with bullets and shells going off around them, or on a sinking ship hit by a torpedo.

As for the editorial, the NZ Herald has an article by sports writer Kris Shannon regarding Israel Folau in which he goes on the attack with a somewhat, um, hate-filled tirade which has little to do with unbiased reporting and everything to do with Kris Shannon’s personal view.

(At least the Offsider sticks with sport.)

Then there’s Katerina Clark, who identifies as a Christian LGBTI advocate for students at Toi Ohomai in Tauranga, having a go at Mr Folau and his wife for similar reasons.

What I find bizarre is that Mr Folau is talking about something he believes will happen to a person after they die. As far as I can tell he’s not advocating arranging the appointmen­t. (a dark and chilly morning).

My wife Lisa was so moved by the words she shed a tear. Who, with no regrets, would send them all away.

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