The Northland Age

God’s plan


Dear Israel Folau (and Brian Tamaki too),

It is commendabl­e that you have boldly stated your belief, and are even ready to sacrifice your career for it, which I sincerely hope never happens. It’s awful that the media and the LGBTI have levelled such a storm of hatred against you, as excellentl­y stated on Tuesday (April 24) by the editorial in this paper.

However, the truth, according to my Bible (NIV) is that “. . . whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God’s wrath remains on them (John 3:36) eternally (Matthew 25:46).”

Your statement that “God’s plan for gay people is HELL . . . unless they repent of their sins” rather unfairly selects gay people. If I were to have a peculiar prejudice, I might say “God’s plan for volunteer firemen and Red Cross nurses is HELL . . . unless they repent of their sins”. People would then immediatel­y quite rightly ask me what have I got against volunteer firemen and Red Cross nurses. My prejudice would be exposed to ridicule.

In the same way, your statement unfortunat­ely looks like homophobia (although you assure us that you aren’t homophobic).

And when you effectivel­y replace the word “whoever” (ie. “anybody who”) with “gay people”, who will remember the real message of God’s Word?

Enough said of God’s wrath. Let’s also remember His love and mercy (John 3:16).

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