The Northland Age

Two TRL players stood down and warned


Two players who were sent off by referee Tane Kaiwai late in the match between the Taiamai Taniwha and Te Hiku Mavericks at Ohaeawai on April 21 have been stood down and warned by the Taitokerau Rugby League Judicial committee.

First to be ordered off was Connor O’Sullivan (Mavericks), after he lifted a Taniwha player over his head in what Mr Kaiwai described as a “German suplexstyl­e wrestling move,” the tackled player landing on his right shoulder/upper back. He stayed on the ground briefly before being helped to the sideline.

O’Sullivan had been penalised for a similar tackle 15 minutes earlier.

Mr Kaiwai said he agreed with the assistant referee that O’Sullivan had not intended to hurt the much smaller Taiamai player, given his remorse and genuine concern for the player’s wellbeing, but it had been a dangerous tackle.

O’Sullivan was stood down for one week and warned to improve his tackling technique.

Three minutes later, in the 78th minute, Ron Holmes (Taniwha) was sent off for making contact with an opposing player’s head with his elbow/forearm. Mr Kaiwai believed that this incident was a response to the earlier spear tackle, and that Holmes had intended to hurt the tackled player.

Holmes was stood down for three weeks, and warned not to offend in that way again.

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