The Northland Age

RSA ready to move into summer mode


The final tournament of the Far North RSA Bowling Club’s winter programme was held earlier this month where 12 teams of any combinatio­n triples from Houhora, Church Road, Cooper’s Beach and Opononi joined members from the hosting club to compete in the Farmlands Tournament.

President Lillian Wells welcomed all those present and reminded players of the importance of supporting the sponsors of such events, while the forecast rain held off allowing the format of four games of one hour five minutes to be completed on Saturday, July 7.

Selwyn Hargreaves announced the following top placegette­rs: Al Thom, Jill Phillips and Glenis Muir 4 wins, 27 ends, 57 points (and the only team to win all four games) 1; Mike Reddy, Selwyn Hargreaves and Evelyn Bradley 31⁄2, 27, 57, 2; Marge Milich, Joanne Milich and Mary Korewha 3, 26, 43, 3.

The lucky losers chocolates drawn were won by Adele Gardner with Colin and Freda May. Thanks to the greenkeepe­r, kitchen, raffles and timekeeper and tournament conveners.

The club will officially open for the 2018/19 summer season on Saturday, August 25, with an open mixed triples tournament. Teams should contact Selwyn Hargreaves, phone 408-3098, text (027) 977-9637 and email: treasurer@farnorthrs­; or put the team on the board in the clubrooms with a contact phone number.

 ??  ?? Evelyn Bradley, Mike Reddy and Selwyn Hargreaves finished runners up in a mixed triple tournament in Kaitaia earlier this month.
Evelyn Bradley, Mike Reddy and Selwyn Hargreaves finished runners up in a mixed triple tournament in Kaitaia earlier this month.

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