The Northland Age

Dead cars a common sight


Far North residents who are tiring of the sight of abandoned cars, in many cases having been torched, on the side of the road should contact the Far North District Council, or the NZTA if it is on a state highway.

A council spokesman said a request for service (RFS) would be lodged in response to reports of abandoned cars on local roads. Three companies were employed to remove vehicles, at a cost of between $200 and $1000, although recovery from 90 Mile Beach would cost closer to $2000.

A car with licence plates and current registrati­on would be “stickered,” advising the owner to remove it within seven days.

“Obviously abandoned cars will be towed immediatel­y,” he said, adding that all vehicles must be kept for a minimum of seven days, and efforts made to find the owner, before they were disposed of.

The number to call to report an abandoned vehicle on a state highway is 0800 444-449.

 ??  ?? A burnt-out car at Pukepoto was creating a hazard until someone pushed it further off the road.
A burnt-out car at Pukepoto was creating a hazard until someone pushed it further off the road.

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