The Northland Age

Call for Govt action on nursing crisis



“We are in discussion­s with the DHBs and Ministry of Health to find a solution, but this is a lengthy process, and the crisis is here, now.

“We need government action. They have responded to the teacher shortages by committing to recruit up to 900 teachers from overseas.

“Why aren’t we seeing the government respond in the same way and bringing in hundreds of registered nurses from overseas to ease the desperate shortages in our aged residentia­l care facilities?”

The current shortage meant some RNs were working double shifts, recently retired nurses were being “pulled back to work” and clinical managers were taking on nursing shifts at night.

The annual turnover of nurses had risen from 26 per cent in February last year to almost 38 per cent in August this year, and had likely worsened since then.

“And there is no relief,” he said.

“Ultimately it is our older people in aged residentia­l care who will be impacted. The potential closure of specialist units, as well as whole facilities, will put pressure on the DHBs. Where else will these residents go?

“We need interventi­on now,” he added. “This is a government that stands on empathy and compassion. When is it going to show some for our vulnerable older people and the providers who care for them?”

 ??  ?? The Switzer Home can provide hospital-level care for 51 residents.
The Switzer Home can provide hospital-level care for 51 residents.

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