The Northland Age

Flawed practice


In responding to the recent release by the Ministry of Health of 2017 oral health statistics for five year olds and Year 8 (12 year olds), Northland DHB oral health adviser Neil Croucher in referring to the relatively poor state of oral health in Northland, said, “If we did have fluoride in the water here in Northland it would make a heap of difference.”

Dr Croucher is simply chanting the dental establishm­ent pro-fluoridati­on mantra without any cognisance of the wider bodily effects of swallowing a cumulative toxin over time.

Uncontroll­ed mass medicating of a community water supply with fluoride is a flawed practice, with marginal gains in dental health at best.

The 2017 stats show that for all ethnicitie­s of 12 year olds the difference between the fluoridate­d and non-fluoridate­d cohorts (24,129 and 18,666 respective­ly) is just one-fifth of a decayed, missing or filled tooth. Spending millions nationwide to close this gap is nuts.

Poor dental heath in Northland is not the absence of fluoridati­on but the failure of the NDHB oral health division to aggressive­ly promote basic oral hygiene, like brushing twice a day with toothpaste, making sure people (particular­ly children) have access to those products, and campaignin­g assertivel­y against sugary drinks.

When did anyone see widespread public advertisem­ent on these issues like occurred some years ago when the NDHB promoted fluoridati­on for Kaitaia and Kaikohe?

The floodgates of fluoride research are just opening, and there have been about 45 published peer-reviewed studies on fluoride so far this year. The NDHB should take note that most all report harm and little or no benefit. ROSS FORBES


My name is Porline Ginty, and I am writing this letter to you to publicly acknowledg­e my heartfelt thanks to Professor Ronald W Jones, God-sent whistleblo­wer — and author of Doctors in Denial, to do with the ‘unfortunat­e experiment’. To which my mother was one of the (unlucky) women, and patient of Doctor Herbert Green, at National Women’s Hospital, Auckland, in the mid 60s.

Thank you Professor Ronald Jones for being the voice for all mothers whose lives were stolen away from us because of negligence from past obstetrici­ans and gynaecolog­ists back in that terrible era, and the doctor known as Herbert Green.

I awoke on Monday morning, August 27, 2018, turned on the TV news, and was met with a televised apology from the Auckland Health Board.

To me the apology felt very hollow for the 46 years my family waited for a personally­written, apology from the National Women’s Hospital Committee, and to hear this televised apology brought back the memory of our mother’s suffering, my tears flowing.

Final closure from the Auckland Health Board committee — shame on you all. Victory to you only Professor Ron Jones, for standing tall on behalf of all our families. We are so very proud of you, champion God-sent whistleblo­wer.

As for the medical professors and doctors, the truth will always prevail.

God bless you Professor Ronald W Jones, from the Ginty whanau and all the families who lost their mothers.



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