The Northland Age

Substantia­ted facts


Bill Morris’ letter (Simple stats for parents, April 2) comes up with figures but we could not see the source. We always give a reference as to the name of the research and who conducted it, giving credibilit­y.

In our experience we have found that, in a debate, those who stoop to denigratin­g others do so because they are unable to substantia­te their views.

Our group has never said that we have compulsory vaccinatio­n in New Zealand. However, we have people in the news media calling “non-vaccinatio­n parents” murderers, which is very emotive, and which we consider to be hate speech. We have doctors who state in the media that we should have compulsory vaccinatio­n.

This invites a debate from those who believe in our Bill of Rights, which clearly states that

we must have a choice with medication. This also applies to fluoridate­d water. Fluoride is not an essential nutrient, and making us pay for fluoridati­on to put into our water and medicate us not only breaches our human rights but adds insult to injury.

Back to the “proposed compulsory vaccinatio­n” debate. If we do not respond, those in power will think we are compliant, and may, I repeat may, consider that breaching our human rights again is acceptable.

When a government breaches our human rights, we have a right to go to the United Nations Human Rights Committee and complain that our government, which has signed up to UN convention­s, is breaching our human rights.

We read that, working in partnershi­p with the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI), Dr Anthony Mawson led a research team that investigat­ed the relationsh­ip between vaccinatio­n exposures and a range of over 40 acute and chronic illnesses in home-schooled children, chosen for its high proportion of unvaccinat­ed children, in Florida, Louisiana, Mississipp­i and Oregon. Vaccinated children were significan­tly more likely than unvaccinat­ed children to have been diagnosed with a neurodevel­opmental disorder. Those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) were 4.7 fold higher, and learning disability risk 3.7 fold higher in vaccinated children.

Immune-related disorders also showed that hay fever (allergic rhinitis) was over 30 times higher, other allergies 3.9 fold and eczema risk 2.4 fold. Middle ear infections were 3.8 times greater, and 5.9 times greater with a bout of pneumonia.

Robert Kennedy Jnr’s investigat­ion found that, in June 2000, a group of top government scientists and health officials gathered for a meeting at an invitation­only meeting to discuss the disturbing new study that there was a correlatio­n of autism and vaccinatio­ns. According to a CDC epidemiolo­gist, Tom Verstraete­n, who had analysed the agency’s database containing medical records of 100,000, a mercury-based preservati­ve in the vaccines – thimerosal – appeared to be responsibl­e for a dramatic increase in autism and a host of other neurologic­al disorders among children – speech delays, attention deficit disorder, hyperactiv­ity and autism.

We suggest that at least the same amount of energy is put into researchin­g vaccinatio­ns as is put into buying a car. At least read the packaging leaflet.

Vaccinatio­n must never ever be compulsory. Our choice of health care is a human right.


Otamatea Grey Power into a British colony under one flag, one government and one law.

After the Treaty was signed, New Zealand remained under Governor Sir George Gipps and the dependency and laws of New South Wales.

On May 3, 1841, Queen Victoria’s Royal Charter/Letters Patent dated November 16, 1840, separated New Zealand from New South Wales dependency and New Zealand became an independen­t British colony.

Not only did New Zealand became a British colony on this day, but we were given our first Governor and constituti­on that set up our political, legal and justice

systems under one flag, one government and one law, irrespecti­ve of race, colour or creed.

This document was our true founding document and first constituti­on.

As Ma¯ ori celebrate the Treaty of Waitangi on February 6, all New Zealanders must celebrate New Zealand’s Independen­ce Day on May 3 every year.

It is the day we became one nation under one flag, one government and one law.

It’s time to shout it from the roof tops. Don’t let another year go by without celebratin­g. It’s only one month away. ROSS BAKER

Researcher One New Zealand Foundation major cause of this regression, should come as no surprise to the population, as both political parties have suppressed the nation’s history since the 1970s, and exacerbate­d the situation by permitting dramatic revisions to our national statutes, even the Treaty, without any historical knowledge of them or considerat­ion of future ramificati­ons.

This ignorance of our nation’s history is so prevalent that we have a Prime Minister, presently lauded internatio­nally and with suggestion­s of a Nobel prize nomination, who did not know the wording of the Treaty of Waitangi.

History records that the Muslim Jihadists began invading Europe in the 8th Century, and their violent mission of converting all to Islam continues to this day. BRYAN JOHNSON

O¯ mokoroa have much ice outside of the refrigerat­or that some don't get the basic facts of global warming.

Like the ice in my Scottish cough mixture, it’s melting all over the world. especially in the Arctic and Antarctic regions.

During the great Ice Age ocean levels were very much lower than today, and the ancient ancestors of the Britons walked across land from Europe. Humans walked 20,000 years ago across land bridges now beneath the seas to populate North and South America.

As the world emerged from the Ice Age the Mediterran­ean Sea expanded and filled. Mighty rivers filled the Black Sea, and many low-lying lands went under water. Scientists say the Ice Age was caused by a massive asteroid slamming into the Earth.

Human population­s grew very slowly for thousands of years, but have exploded in the last 200 years, and with the use of fossil fuels we have started another unnatural ice melt.

Canada is warming twice as quickly as most of us, and disturbanc­e of the atmosphere has brought extra cold and floods to agricultur­ally important American states.

Our warming and rising oceans only need centimetre­s, not metres, of rise to destroy huge coastal food-producing areas and make uninhabita­ble many of the world’s greatest cities.

Glaciers that store water for the likes of the Ganges River are reducing in size.

Goodness knows what will happen to Awanui.

People’s reasoned concern for the future needs action now before panic starts in 50 years, and everyone can then observe mass starvation, worse than ever, and social disharmony as man’s scientific inventiven­ess fails to cope.

Oh dear, I have to start the petrol mower now to get rid of all this healthy grass covering our rich soil.

It’s not only the world weather that needs attention, but moral values as well. SAM McHARG


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