The Northland Age

Whose choice?


With characteri­stic disingenuo­usness, Family Planning NZ (commonly known as Murder Inc) tell us, in your edition of May 30, that abortion should be simply a matter between the mother and her physician because we trust women “in every other aspect of their lives to make their own decisions.”

Well, we don’t. We trust neither women nor men to “make their own decisions” as to whether or not they might murder someone. We have very strict laws about murder, and very severe punishment­s for murderers, both men and women.

Jackie Edmond very tellingly is outraged at the suggestion that mothers will engage abortionis­ts “to end pregnancie­s up until moments before birth.” Why be outraged, for goodness’ sake, if a pregnancy is a growth similar to, say, an appendix? Surely then, abortion is a simple health issue, like appendicit­is. Oh no, Jackie and her cohort know well that abortion kills a human child, and the later it’s performed the more obvious that becomes. Best avoid that.

Transparen­cy and biological facts are not common currency of Murder Inc.

I saw a poster recently which displayed a speech bubble which proclaimed: “My body, my choice!!” The speech bubble was issuing from the mouth of an in-utero child. ALAN JONES


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