The Northland Age

Men missing out on health


The New Conservati­ve Party is demanding the government establish a Ministry for Men because of discrepanc­ies in health spending between genders.

Leader Leighton Baker quoted the NZ Medical Journal, October 6, 2017, as stating: “For heart disease, stroke, and to a lesser degree of modifiable lifestyle change cancer, studies of women’s health outnumber men’s health by two to one… A further search was made of Health Research Council funding since 2010… to identify sex-specific funding. The search revealed that for every $1 spent exclusivel­y on women’s health research, men’s health research received $0.06.”

“Men are over-represente­d in so many negative statistics, including prison population, suicides, homelessne­ss, addictions, yet research into men’s health only receives 6 per cent of women’s health research funding,” Mr Baker said. “We are challengin­g the government to allocate funding from the $1.9 billion for mental health to specifical­ly address men’s mental health requiremen­ts, and in particular men’s coping mechanisms for dealing with the challenges of 21st century living.

“The cost to New Zealand of not dealing with men’s mental health is huge, as it affects crime, fatherless homes, productivi­ty, physical health, suicide and more.”

“The issues facing men have been ignored, and balanced representa­tion is long overdue,” Mr Baker said. “A dedicated Ministry for Men will benefit communitie­s by addressing so many issues that are being faced by men, including shortcomin­gs in the Family Court system that has consistent­ly undervalue­d the value of a father in the family unit.

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