The Northland Age

Seeing trawlers


Mike Finlayson is seeing trawlers again.

First of all I would question his ability to distinguis­h between a trawler, set netter, longliner, scallop boat, charter boat or pleasure launch. Or is it the common misconcept­ion that anything larger than a 16-foot tinnie must be a trawler?

Is he aware that it is now a legal requiremen­t that trawlers are to have onboard cameras and GPS transponde­rs so their whereabout­s can be constantly monitored?

How is it in these technologi­cally advanced times, where everyone carries cell phones incorporat­ing cameras, that no one has managed to capture these prolific trawlers on film?

Is he aware that escalating fuel prices are making it uneconomic to send trawlers this far from their home ports? Is he still talking about the same trawlers he saw 30 years ago?

I would further question his ability to differenti­ate between a vessel engaged in fishing activities and one that was simply steaming around the coast. Recent complaints regarding trawlers in Doubtless Bay were revealed to be

longliners leaving Mangonui and travelling slowly to give crews time to cut bait and do deck work before reaching more turbulent open water.

Mike’s case would gain more credence if he researched his subject thoroughly and presented his case with tangible evidence. His crusade to further restrict inshore commercial fishing has much in common with chasing parked cars.

MAX Unahi

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