The Northland Age

One question


In 1990 I protested outside the Parkview Abortion Clinic in Wellington. I held a sign which said ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ I was arrested and taken to the Porirua Psychiatri­c Unit. By the grace of God I escaped, and was subsequent­ly discharged three months later as a result of remaining at large for that time.

My question to all people who support abortion is this: If the creature developing in their mother’s womb is not a human being, what kind of being is it?

If you deliberate­ly damage a kiwi’s egg in the bush you will be liable to prosecutio­n under the Wildlife Act. Surely human life is more important than that of a bird.

And how can it be that the Prime Minister, who has only recently become a mother, is willing to argue that the child in the womb doesn’t count at all? STEPHEN COTTERALL

Wellington treasured, finite resource, that one thing that any civilisati­on cannot do without. Therefore it behoves us all to be prudent in our use and to be responsibl­e in the custodians­hip of the resource.

Dirty streets equate to dirty runoff water, which eventually finds its way to our harbours via rivers and streams. This is within human control, and it is relatively easy to implement measures that will at least minimise contaminat­ion of our waterways.

As always, it is better to offer carrots than wield big sticks, and to that end the following suggestion deserves more than cursory considerat­ion.

Some 70 years ago Te Awamutu organised a Tidy Street competitio­n. In essence whole streets vied to have wellpainte­d houses and other buildings, well-manicured lawns and beautiful gardens.

The nett effect was a considerab­le lifting of morale and pride in the town that lasted for decades after the event.

It is envisaged that something like this could happen in Kaikohe, with a beneficial effect

on the quality of the water leaving town from four streams to eventually reach the Hokianga Harbour. Result — better fishing.



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