The Northland Age

Pinny delves into make believe


Following on from his single

Lover, released late last year, award-winning social action rocker Merv Pinny is back with his latest track, Pink Elephants.

Both singles are described as sharing a similar theme about social media and the effect that it has on people’s lives, especially younger generation­s.

As the name suggests, Pink Elephants is about a world of make believe — fantasy vs reality — which the former Kerikeri dairy farmer says is happening constantly on social media, playing a part in why it is so addictive.

“How do we know anything is real any more? So, can pink elephants fly? Have a few drinks and then have another think about it.”

The upbeat rock song, mastered by Grammy award-winning engineer Gary Calbi, is billed as an excellent addition to Pinny’s growing collection of top-streaming singles. Over the last three years he has spent more than 177 days on the charts, making it into iTunes Top 5 across multiple genres in New Zealand, South Africa, Norway and the USA.

“With each single release, Merv Pinny is making headway into new territorie­s, and regularly hitting the charts, making him an artist definitely worth watching,” his publicists said.

Pink Elephants will be released on Spotify on Saturday.

 ?? PICTURE / PETER DE GRAAF ?? Dairy farmer turned rock star Merv Pinny in full voice in his home studio in 2016.
PICTURE / PETER DE GRAAF Dairy farmer turned rock star Merv Pinny in full voice in his home studio in 2016.

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