The Northland Age

The Minister isn't listening


Minister of Correction­s Kelvin Davis has been ignoring the Correction­s Associatio­n pleas to introduce harsher penalties for inmates who assault staff; the consequenc­e has been a dramatic increase in assaults and a loss of confidence in the minister.

It is clear that the minister has been focusing solely on the rights, considerat­ions and benefits of the inmates and putting the Correction­s officers a distant second.

It is absurd that we still have officers being bashed and the inmates receiving pathetical­ly weak sentences. When there are examples of sentences of just seven days being handed down for assault, there is something clearly going wrong. There is little wonder that the prisoners are showing no respect for the staff and don’t care about bashing them.

The Sensible Sentencing Trust has consistent­ly backed the Correction­s Associatio­n’s call for mandatory minimum sentences to act as a true and effective deterrent.

These criminals are in prison because they are violent and dangerous. If we continue to treat them with kid gloves we will continue to see the number of assaults rising. If inmates decide to assault staff they should have an automatic extra six months added to their sentence.

The minister needs to start listening to the frontline staff who have to deal with these thugs every day. It is little wonder the associatio­n and its members are losing confidence in the minister when it is clear he is putting the prisoners’ concerns ahead of the staff.

Darroch Ball Sensible Sentencing Trust

 ?? Photo / Michael Cunningham ?? The Sensible Sentencing Trust says Correction­s Minister Kelvin Davis is more interested in the concerns of inmates than the safety of prison staff.
Photo / Michael Cunningham The Sensible Sentencing Trust says Correction­s Minister Kelvin Davis is more interested in the concerns of inmates than the safety of prison staff.

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