The Post

Police had queried if spying was illegal


POLICE officers told the Government’s spies in February that surveillan­ce of Kim Dotcom may have been illegal.

But after its legal department reviewed the case, the Government Communicat­ions Security Bureau concluded their actions were legitimate.

A report by the inspectorg­eneral of intelligen­ce and security, Justice Paul Neazor, released on Thursday, found the GCSB had illegally snooped on the tech mogul. The agency bungled by wrongly interpreti­ng the law and is now reviewing all cases dating back to 2009, when laws were changed.

The Green Party yesterday laid a complaint with police over the law breach and Labour Party leader David Shearer formally requested that Prime Minister John Key initiate an independen­t inquiry.

Inquiries by The Dominion Post have revealed police first raised the problem with GCSB agents at a meeting on February 16. Mr Key said this week GCSB became aware of the law-breaking about a fortnight ago.

Officially a debrief on Operation Debut, which had culminated in a raid on Dotcom’s mansion on

immigratio­n January 20, it is understood the February meeting was a ‘‘backslappi­ng’’ exercise, with a Power Point presentati­on.

The potential problem and the subsequent legal review was not disclosed to Mr Key, who was unaware of the GCSB’s involvemen­t in the high-profile case until last week.

The law-breaking only became public when Dotcom’s legal team questioned the identity of a ‘‘mystery group’’ of officials who attended a meeting to plan Dotcom’s arrest.

GCSB attempted to have its role covered up, asking acting prime minister Bill English to sign a ministeria­l certificat­e suppressin­g details in August, while Mr Key was in the United States. The performanc­e of the GCSB’s legal department will now be the subject of discussion­s between its director, Ian Fletcher, and State Services Commission­er Ian Rennie.

A police spokeswoma­n yesterday confirmed the operation debrief took place on February 16.

Justice Neazor refused to comment but confirmed Mr Key’s office asked about the meeting.

Mr Shearer believes the Neazor report, which was completed 11 days after it was commission­ed by Mr Key, was ‘‘limited.’’

Mr Shearer wants an indepen- dent ‘‘wide-ranging’’ probe ‘‘into the serious failures within our intelligen­ce services and the Government’s management of them’’.

‘‘This isn’t just about whether a couple of people screwed up at the lowest levels of the Government Communicat­ions Security Bureau,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s about many serious issues, including how a number of key agencies, like the Intelligen­ce Co-ordination Group which reports directly to the prime minister, were either unaware of the issue or deliberate­ly kept it from John Key.’’

Mr Key yesterday ruled out an inquiry.




Nor- man said the GCSB flouted the same laws cameraman Bradley Ambrose was accused of breaching in the ‘‘teapot tapes’’ saga.

‘‘When he [Mr Key] was taped in a public cafe by a media person discussing matters of public interest, Key kicked up an almighty fuss ... If Prime Minister Key really feels so strongly about a person’s right to privacy, then he should back my call for the police to investigat­e the illegal surveillin­g of New Zealand residents by a government spy agency.’’

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