The Post

Sex and corruption gnawing away at Vatican

Pope Francis is already wielding his broom in his clean-up-the-vatican campaign, reports. ‘I’m not a Renaissanc­e prince.’


180-degree turn from the past. Under previous popes, the Vatican has taken refuge behind the Lateran Pacts signed with Italy in 1929 that provide for the complete independen­ce of the Vatican City State and of the institutio­ns of the Holy See under internatio­nal law.

Collaborat­ion with the Bank of Italy and with Italian justice has hitherto been considered as an attack upon the Vatican’s independen­ce and sovereignt­y.

The American prelate Monsignor Paul Marcinkus was in charge of the Vatican bank in the 1980s during the time of its associatio­n with dodgy Italian financiers such as Roberto Calvi, the chairman of Banco Ambrosiano, who was found hanging from Blackfriar­s Bridge in London in 1982. It is believed he was a victim of a Mafia hit man taking revenge for funds lost through the bank’s collapse.

The Vatican was the bank’s main shareholde­r, and Calvi was dubbed ‘‘God’s banker’’ due to his close ties with the Holy See. Marcinkus evaded the serving of court documents by Italian justice authoritie­s by taking refuge inside Vatican City and claiming diplomatic immunity.

Scarano, who comes from Salerno, south of Naples, had a late vocation to the priesthood. He was employed by a big Italian commercial bank before taking Holy Orders, and was nicknamed ‘‘Monsignor 500’’ inside the Vatican thanks to his habit of flashing his wallet to show that he carried only 500 banknotes.

Even before Scarano’s arrest, Pope Francis revealed he was determined to clean up the Vatican bank and its secretive operations, which in recent decades had been engulfed in scandal.

Only two days before the monsignor was taken away in handcuffs, the Pope announced the creation of an internal commission of inquiry into the running of the bank, set up in 1943 to hold the funds of cardinals, bishops, priests, Catholic charities and religious orders worldwide.

The five-member commission includes a Harvard law professor and one Italian – Cardinal Renato Farina, former head of the Vatican Library and Secret Archive.

Pope Francis

Pope Francis has given them powers to question anyone inside the Vatican and ordered it to report back to him personally and ‘‘promptly’’.

The new Pope has already revealed himself as a person who can make quick decisions if necessary and is not easily impressed by the pomp and circumstan­ce of Vatican ceremonial and protocol.

He finds the court-like Vatican administra­tion suffocatin­g and failed to turn up to a symphony concert organised in his honour last month because he had more urgent business.

‘‘I’m not a Renaissanc­e prince,’’ he is reported to have said.

In 2010, then Pope Benedict set up a Financial Informatio­n Authority to monitor the Vatican’s internatio­nal transactio­ns and ensure internatio­nal rules relating to money-laundering and terrorism financing were being respected.

But inspectors from Moneyval, a Council of Europe banking watchdog authority based in France, went through the bank’s books last year and reported that it sometimes failed to ensure ‘‘due diligence’’ in monitoring suspect transactio­ns. There was still some way to go before the Vatican bank could be granted full ‘‘white list’’ status, the Moneyval report said.

Another serious problem facing Pope Francis as he prepares major reforms in the running of the Roman Curia, the headquarte­rs of the Catholic Church, is what he referred to during a recent private meeting with clerics from Latin America as the Vatican’s ‘‘gay lobby’’.

‘‘It’s true, it’s there,’’ he is reported to have said. ‘‘We need to see what we can do.’’

He has his work cut out. Last week, Patrizio Poggio, a former Catholic priest, claimed that he had evidence of misconduct by a group of Roman priests with young Romanian male prostitute­s, informing the police that he had ‘‘grave informatio­n harming the integrity of the Church’’ and giving them a list of alleged clients – all Roman clerics.

Poggio claimed that they had used the services of the prostitute­s, who frequented a club near Rome’s main railway terminal.

He alleges that a former policeman took the male escorts in a van marked ‘‘Medical emergency – blood transport’’ to an abandoned chapel in the suburbs, where they met some of the clerics. The priest, who served five years in jail for sexual crimes committed 15 years ago, was arrested on Saturday on charges of criminal defamation.

But the presence within the Vatican hierarchy of gay prelates is an open secret in Rome. From time to time, stories emerge in the local media alleging affairs between monsignori and young men, and it is perhaps worth pointing out that in other reported remarks to the same group of clerics at the Vatican, Pope Francis is quoted as saying: ‘‘In the Curia, there are also holy people, really, there are holy people. But there is also a stream of corruption, there is that as well, it is true.’’

The fact that Pope Francis has chosen to start his new-broom act as leader of the universal Church with a shake-up at the Vatican bank is significan­t.

During discussion­s among cardinal electors that preceded the conclave at which he was chosen to succeed Pope Benedict, time and time again the cloud of scandal that has been swirling around the Vatican bank came up.

Pope Francis plans no long summer break, as has always been customary for popes and their senior Vatican functionar­ies. Except for a week-long journey to Rio to attend a Catholic World Youth Festival at the end of this month, and brief day trips to Sardinia and to the shrine of his namesake, St Francis, at Assisi later in the year, he intends to be at his desk during most of the summer holidays.

The most important choice that Pope Francis now has to make is that of his number two, the Cardinal Secretary of State. The incumbent, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, selected by former Pope Benedict, is unlikely to continue in his post. Cardinal Bertone has been an unpopular Secretary of State because of his lack of experience in papal diplomacy.

Last month, Pope Francis called to Rome all the papal diplomats representi­ng the Holy See in countries around the world. It is from their ranks that he is expected to choose his new Secretary of State.

Francis’s simpler, more frugal Vatican will shortly begin to take shape – and he doubtless hopes that soon the whiff of financial and sexual scandal that has besmirched the Vatican in recent years will begin to blow away.

 ?? Photo: REUTERS ?? A fresh start?: Vatican City and St Peter’s Square as seen from the cupola of St Peter’s Basilica. Beneath the gleaming marble, corruption is eating away at the church, critics say.
Photo: REUTERS A fresh start?: Vatican City and St Peter’s Square as seen from the cupola of St Peter’s Basilica. Beneath the gleaming marble, corruption is eating away at the church, critics say.

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