The Post

Mafia boss found hiding in suburbs



A FUGITIVE Sicilian Mafia boss who lived in a West London suburb while his wife ran a travel agency was behind bars last night after almost two decades on the run – although he could be freed today.

Domenico Rancadore, 64, known as ‘‘The Professor’’, was described by Italy’s Interior Minister as one of the most dangerous convicted Mafia chieftains at large.

Considered a leading member of the criminal network in Sicily, Rancadore was allegedly ‘‘capo’’ of the clan operating in the Trabia area outside the island’s capital, Palermo.

He was sentenced in absentia in 1999 to seven years in prison for the Italian crime of ‘‘Mafia associatio­n’’.

District Judge Quentin Purdy said during a hearing at Westminste­r Magistrate­s’ Court yesterday, however, that the gangster could be released today owing to ‘‘significan­t deficienci­es’’ in his European arrest warrant.

Rancadore, 64, had been living a double life as a house husband while his British wife ran a travel agency. He was arrested at their house in Uxbridge, West London, on Thursday.

When police arrived at his front door about 7pm, he tried to escape through a back gate but came face-to-face with a waiting detective constable.

The father of two went to Britain in 1993 after being acquitted at an earlier three-year Mafia trial.

Euan Macmillan, for the defence, said that Rancadore had lived ‘‘a blameless life’’ in Britain, adding: ‘‘He has lived a quiet life and his family have grown up here. He was as surprised as one would be, understand­ably, when the police arrived at his property.

‘‘It would be a shock to anybody to find the police at your doorstep after such a great period of time had elapsed.’’

Neighbour Terry Stidder

The Italian media reported that he was once married to Annamaria Culcasi Macaluso, the British-born wife of a former Italian consul in London, and the couple had a British-born son and daughter, both in their 30s.

Neighbours said they knew him as Marc Skinner.

‘‘I know him very well and he’s one of the best neighbours you could ever have,’’ said Joan Hills, 76, who lives on the same street, Manor Waye. ‘‘They have been here for years. I’ve seen the children grow up with my children.’’

Terry Stidder, 53, a tennis coach who lives two doors down, recalled that Rancadore had a row with a neighbour when he planted the hedges soon after moving in. ‘‘He was saying ‘Sorry, but I’ve got to have this’,’’ he said.

Rancadore drove a Mercedes as well as the Jaguar. ‘‘We always thought he was a chauffeur because he had such nice cars and he would always go out dressed very nicely.’’

Stidder said that Rancadore – who got the Sicilian dialect nickname ‘‘U profissuri’’ because he was a PE teacher in Italy – appeared to be in good shape for his age.

‘‘He was always very well dressed. Most of the time he would be in a very sharp suit, which, if you think about it, that is your typical mafioso type.’’

Rancadore wore a pale blue shirt and dark trousers when he appeared in court yesterday and was helped by an Italian interprete­r as he examined a copy of his arrest warrant. His wife and daughter were also present.

Italy issued a European arrest warrant for him in January last year, but the British authoritie­s had failed to act on it until now.

Sicily Governor Rosario Crocetta complained publicly about Britain’s stance in February last year.

‘‘We have had news that the Palermo boss Domenico Rancadore, who has been convicted . . . for associatio­n with the Mafia, cannot be extradited to Italy because Britain does not recognise the crime of [being in] the Mafia.’’

Italy’s La Repubblica newspaper reported as far back as January 12 last year that Randacore was ‘‘carrying on his business’’ in London. He also continued to receive his Italian teacher’s pension.

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Photo: REUTERS Towns threatened: A helicopter makes a water drop on a garage consumed by a wildfire raging out of control in the high desert east of Los Angeles.
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 ??  ?? ‘The Professor’: Domenico Rancadore faces extraditio­n to Italy.
‘The Professor’: Domenico Rancadore faces extraditio­n to Italy.

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