The Post

Nats ‘won’t rule out’ talks with Peters

PM: Playing games just not right


PRIME MINISTER John Key has thrown the door open to all his potential allies, including a surprise about-face over NZ First, as he tries to shore up his position ahead of an expected knife-edge election.

Mr Key said yesterday that ‘‘given the right electoral circumstan­ces’’ his preference after the election would be to work with his current support parties ACT, UnitedFutu­re and the Maori Party.

He backed that up by reinstatin­g UnitedFutu­re leader Peter Dunne as a minister outside Cabinet in a minor reshuffle.

Mr Key said it would be possible to add Colin Craig’s Conservati­ves to that group of support parties, despite policy difference­s.

But in a major shift from 2008 and 2011, when he ruled out any deal with NZ First, he said talks after the election with Winston Peters’ party would be possible, though they remained unlikely.

‘‘In 2008 we ruled them out because we were unable to reconcile some of their statements on the Glenn donation matter. Six years has passed and, should NZ First be returned to Parliament, we would not rule out a discussion after the election.

‘‘Bluntly, there will be some National voters and some other voters who will be of the view that they would rather see National form a government with NZ First than see a Labour-Greens govern-

‘MMP makes it likely that every election will be a tight contest.’ Prime Minister John Key

ment formed in this country.’’

He said if Mr Peters was returned he would have twice been re-elected by the voters so it would be logical to at least talk to him.

It was also possible Mr Peters could abstain on confidence and supply votes to allow a minority National government to rule.

Mr Peters yesterday ruled out any deals before the election but also ruled out abstaining on ‘‘crucial votes’’ in the House.

Labour leader David Cunliffe described Mr Key’s move as ‘‘the dance of the desperate’’.

Mr Key ruled out working with Labour, the Greens and Mana on the basis that there was insufficie­nt common ground and they were promoting a far-Left agenda.

‘‘I know that post the 2014 election, National will almost certainly need to work constructi­vely with other political parties to form a stable government,’’ he said.

‘‘MMP makes it likely that every election will be a tight contest.’’

Mr Key said he would reveal later how he would work with other parties, including any elec- torate deals to help support parties win crucial seats. He intended to be clearer than when he used a ‘‘symbolic’’ cup of tea with ACT leader John Banks in 2011.

He trusted Mr Dunne, despite his resignatio­n in June for refusing to release his emails to a leak inquiry – something Mr Key suggested at the time did not meet his standards for a minister.

He was now looking forward, not back. He had found Mr Dunne to be an effective minister.

Other ministeria­l changes will see list MP Michael Woodhouse promoted to Cabinet to replace Napier MP Chris Tremain, who will retire at the election.

Maungakiek­ie MP Sam LotuIiga becomes a minister outside Cabinet with responsibi­lity for Pacific Island affairs.

The next big shots in the election year fight will be fired tomorrow with Mr Key’s state of the nation speech, flagged as focusing on education, followed by Mr Cunliffe’s speech on Monday. The House resumes on Tuesday.

PRIME Minister John Key says several factors will decide the date of the general election, but he is coy on whether a visit by US President Barack Obama is one of them.

Mr Key, who recently enjoyed a five-hour round of golf with Mr Obama in Hawaii, said yesterday afternoon he had not yet settled on a date.

He promised to give ‘‘plenty of warning’’ rather than calling it at short notice to shorten the campaign period.

‘‘I’m not terribly interested in playing lots of games. I don’t think there’s any major political advan- tage of that nor is it actually ... the right thing to do.’’

There was room to be more flexible this year than in 2011 when the Rugby World Cup largely dictated the election’s November timing.

‘‘There’s a little bit more flexibilit­y this time, there’s a few factors we’re trying to weigh up that we’re not exactly sure about,’’ Mr Key said.

The factors included internatio­nal events such as the G-20 summit in Australia in midNovembe­r, he said.

He did not know whether Mr Obama would visit New Zealand this year.

Asked whether such a visit would influence the election date, Mr Key said: ‘‘I wouldn’t quite put it in those terms . . . there’s a few other things.’’

It would not be much further for Mr Obama to come to New Zealand on his way to or from the G-20 summit and the US president had a standing invitation, Mr Key said. ‘‘Look, it would be great if he came to New Zealand, we’d obviously welcome him here but he’s got a lot of countries he has to visit in a limited amount of time.’’

Former US Secretary of State Condoleezz­a Rice visited New Zealand for half a day in July 2008 on her way to a gathering of Pacific leaders.

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 ??  ?? Barack Obama: Standing invitation to visit.
Barack Obama: Standing invitation to visit.
 ??  ?? John Key: Promises plenty of warning.
John Key: Promises plenty of warning.

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