The Post

The internet of things


An internet-controlled rubbish bin could be the harbinger of the next industrial revolution.

ACOURT decision last week for internet providers to treat all web traffic equally could allow mobile carriers and other broadband providers to charge content providers for faster access to websites and services.

The Federal Communicat­ions Commission’s open internet rules, also known as net neutrality, required internet service providers to give consumers equal access to all lawful content without restrictio­ns or tiered charges.

But the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit struck down the rules, which were passed in late 2010.

The ruling is a victory for broadband providers, who saw the FCC rules as government overreach into how they operate their networks.

The largest providers pledged that they would not restrict customers on the web, but consumer advocacy groups worry that internet network owners may begin charging content providers such as YouTube or Facebook for faster internet speeds.

This was the second time the court struck down the FCC’s net neutrality rules.

The FCC had classified broadband providers as informatio­n service providers as opposed to telecommun­ications service providers, and that distinctio­n created a legal hurdle for the FCC’s authority.

The debate is expected to intensify as viewers increasing­ly take to the internet for bandwidth-intensive media consumptio­n.

The FCC could appeal the ruling to the full appeals court or to the US Supreme Court, something FCC chairman Tom Wheeler said he was considerin­g as among ‘‘all available options’’ to ensure internet networks remained free and open.

The FCC could also reclassify broadband providers to establish clear authority over them. Public interest groups have urged the FCC to do so, but the move would face opposition from Republican­s and broadband providers.

Wheeler recently has also suggested he could use existing FCC power to go after particular internet service providers who violated the open internet principles on a case-by-case basis.

Supporters of the FCC rules worry that now internet providers would begin to charge content providers or even block access to particular sites.

‘‘That’s just not the way the internet has worked until now,’’ said Matt Wood, policy director at public interest group Free Press.

Video-streaming is by far the heaviest bandwidth hog on the internet. Netflix and YouTube alone are estimated to account for more than half of all downstream internet traffic at peak hours.

The debate is expected to intensify as viewers increasing­ly take to the internet for bandwidth-intensive media consumptio­n.

Some worry that giving internet providers more power to charge for heavy use of their networks could penalise startups and other less cash-flush companies, who might be unable to get their product in front of users, thwarting competitio­n.

But opponents of the FCC’s open internet rules also argue the regulation­s inhibit investment­s and are not necessary to ensure unrestrict­ed access to internet content.

But content providers remained uneasy.

‘‘With the internet and our member companies growing and changing and startups constantly popping up, protection­s do need to be placed for consumers,’’ said Michael Beckerman, president of the Internet Associatio­n that represents content providers including Netflix, Google, Facebook and Amazon.

 ??  ?? Gigabyte guzzler: YouTube is one of the biggest users of downstream internet traffic at peak hours.
Gigabyte guzzler: YouTube is one of the biggest users of downstream internet traffic at peak hours.

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