The Post

No anonymity granted to sex video maker


A TEENAGER who videoed his friends having sex with a drunk young woman has received a community-based sentence.

However Jack Angus Greenslade, 18, failed to win a discharge without conviction and permanent name suppressio­n.

In the New Plymouth District Court yesterday, Judge Allan Roberts said the community deserved to know who was involved in the high-profile case.

Greenslade received four months community detention by way of a curfew from 7pm to 7am seven days a week, and 125 hours community work after the $5000 offered to the victim for emotional harm was taken into account.

The representa­tive age-group rugby player pleaded guilty in November to a charge of making an intimate visual recording at an Oakura house party on October 11. Greenslade then posted the video on a private Facebook page accessed by other close friends.

The two 18-year-old friends, who have interim name suppressio­n, have pleaded not guilty to sexually assaulting the 17-year-old woman, including rape, sexual violation and indecent assault.

Greenslade told police he initially thought what he was doing was funny and believed the three were having consensual sex in the bedroom.

But the victim, who has name suppressio­n, said the effect of what Greenslade did ruined her life.

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