The Post

Sinister overtones to racial abuse

Racist taunts against Filipinos at a Hong Kong football match were symptomati­c of the mistreatme­nt of many immigrant workers, writes Catherine A Traywick.


LAST June, a soccer match between Hong Kong and the Philippine­s turned ugly when some Hong Kong fans, incensed at having lost the game, threw water bottles at Filipino spectators and called them ‘‘slaves’’. Witnesses said that the targets were primarily women and children.

The Hong Kong Football Associatio­n downplayed the incident, saying its fans were provoked into an altercatio­n. On Friday, Fifa ruled otherwise, fining the associatio­n about $US33,000 ($NZ39,951) for not keeping the fans in check.

Regardless of whether the Hong Kong fans were provoked, the incident has fairly sinister undertones, given that Filipinos comprise a significan­t marginalis­ed underclass in Hong Kong.

About 300,000 Filipino and Indonesian women work as maids in the city, commonly regarded as indispensa­ble to Hong Kong households. Yet these domestic workers lack many basic labour rights and are subject to laws that make them vulnerable to mistreatme­nt.

Maids must live with their employers, for instance, which breeds all manner of ills. (In 2012, a famous Cantonese singer shamelessl­y bragged about the fact that her maid slept in a trundle bed above her toilet.) They are entitled to only one day off per week. Their minimum wage is about $US500 ($NZ605) per month in one of the most expensive cities in the world. And unlike other foreign workers, they can’t apply for permanent residency.

Because their immigratio­n status is directly tied to their employment status, they have little recourse if they are mistreated. Maids who do report abusive employers aren’t allowed to work again until their case is resolved, and as a result, many are forced to return home.

Incidents of abuse are plenty. Most recently, in September, a couple was arrested for torturing their Indonesian maid until she couldn’t work anymore.

Last week, Hong Kong domestic workers took to the streets to protest such cases of abuse. But it’s an uphill battle – and one not aided by Hong Kong’s soccer fans decrying Filipinos as something less than human.

 ??  ?? Hard work: Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong protest last week against the torture of a maid and called for greater labour protection­s.
Hard work: Indonesian domestic workers in Hong Kong protest last week against the torture of a maid and called for greater labour protection­s.

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