The Post

You’re an egotist Pistorius told



THE chief prosecutor in the murder trial of Oscar Pistorius yesterday accused the Olympic athlete of egotistica­l behaviour in his relationsh­ip with Reeva Steenkamp before he killed her, and described Pistorius’ courtroom apology to his girlfriend’s family as an insincere ‘‘spectacle’’ that ignored the feelings of her relatives.

‘‘Your life is just about you,’’ prosecutor Gerrie Nel said on the second day of his cross-examinatio­n of Pistorius, who shot Steenkamp through a closed toilet cubicle of his home early on February 14, 2013.

Pistorius says he shot Steenkamp by accident, mistaking her for a dangerous intruder. The prosecutio­n says he intentiona­lly killed her after an argument.

Nel asserted that Pistorius was sometimes mean to Steenkamp, pressing him about her objection to him playing a song by American rapper Kendrick Lamar on a car stereo. Pistorius referred to the song in a cellphone message to Steenkamp that acknowledg­ed her objections. It has been included as evidence in the trial.

The prosecutor asked if the name of the song was Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe, but Pistorius said he could not remember the specific song. Nel responded that Steenkamp would have been right to take offence.

A phone message from Steenkamp to Pistorius that was shown in court includes the line: ‘‘You make me happy 90% of the time and I think we are amazing together but I am not some other bitch you may know trying to kill your vibe.’’

Nel’s tough questionin­g was designed to counter earlier testimony in which Pistorius said he loved Steenkamp, a 29-year-old model, and was trying to protect her when he shot her without realising, according to his account, that she was in the toilet cubicle.

Two contrastin­g images of the double-amputee runner have emerged in court: the defence-led image of Pistorius as a contrite man who had been worried about crime and made a terrible mistake on the night he killed Steenkamp, and the prosecutio­n’s depiction of him as an overbearin­g egotist who was obsessed with firearms.

Nel referred to an incident at Tashas restaurant in Johannes- burg in which a shot went off after a friend of the runner passed him a loaded gun under the table.

Pistorius, who faces a separate charge of firing a gun in a public place because of that episode as well as two other firearms charges, said he did not have his finger on the trigger when the gun fired. This happened about a month before Pistorius killed Steenkamp.

The prosecutor noted that a police expert had testified that the gun, a Glock 27 .40-calibre pistol, could not be fired without pulling the trigger, and sarcastica­lly described the discharge as a ‘‘miracle’’.

‘‘We have you in possession of the gun, a shot went off, but you didn’t discharge the gun,’’ Nel said incredulou­sly.

He also grilled Pistorius on another of the charges against him, that the athlete had rounds of .38-calibre ammunition in a safe at his home and no proper licensing for it. Pistorius pleaded not guilty to the charge and said it was his father’s and not his.

Nel said of Pistorius: ‘‘You just don’t want to accept responsibi­lity for anything.’’

On the relationsh­ip between Pistorius and Steenkamp, Nel said he had checked all of her text messages on her cellphone and that the phrase ‘‘I love you’’ appeared only twice.

On both occasions, he said, they were written by Steenkamp to her mother. ‘‘Never to you and you never to her,’’ Nel said, addressing Pistorius.

‘‘I never got the opportunit­y to tell Reeva that I loved her,’’ Pistorius said in a soft voice.

Nel also accused Pistorius of ignoring the concerns of Steenkamp’s family by apologisin­g to them at the beginning of his testimony this week, rather than seeking to express his condolence­s in private. Steenkamp’s mother, June, has attended court sessions this week.

‘‘Why would you create a spectacle in court, in the public domain, in the public eye,’’ Nel said. ‘‘Why did you put them through this?’’

Pistorius said his lawyers had been in touch with representa­tives of Steenkamp’s family, and he had believed the family were not ready to meet him. ‘‘I completely understand where they’re coming from,’’ he said. ‘‘It’s not that I haven’t thought about them.’’

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