The Post

Young couple killed for marrying for love


A YOUNG couple in Pakistan were tied up and had their throats slit with scythes after they married for love, police said on Saturday.

The 17-year-old girl and 31-yearold man married on June 18 without the consent of their families in eastern Pakistan’s Punjabi village of Satrah, police said.

The girl’s mother and father lured the couple home late on Thursday with the promise that their marriage would receive a family blessing, said local police official Rana Zashid.

‘‘When the couple reached there, they tied them with ropes,’’ he said. ‘‘He [the girl’s father] cut their throats.’’

Police arrested the family, who said they had been embarrasse­d by the marriage of their daughter, named Muafia Hussein, to a man from a less important tribe.

Cultural traditions in many areas of Pakistan mean that killing a woman whose behaviour is seen as immodest is widely accepted.

Immodest behaviour

that sparked recent killings included singing, looking out of the window or talking to a man who is not a relative. For a woman to marry a man of her own choice is considered an unacceptab­le insult by many families.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan said 869 so-called ‘‘honour killings’’ were reported in the media last year – several a day. But the true figure is probably much higher since many cases are never reported.

The weak Pakistan Government, battling with a troubled economy and a Taliban insurgency, does not collect centralise­d statistics and has no strategy to combat the killings.

Pakistani law means that even if a woman’s killer is convicted, her family are able to forgive the killer.

Many families simply nominate a member to do the killing, then formally forgive the killer.

That’s what happened earlier this week, a lawyer said, when a tribal council in central Pakistan’s Muzaffarga­rh district sentenced another young couple to death for marrying for love.

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