The Post

Timing may be out for coming off anti-clot drugs


MILLIONS of people with stents that prop open clogged heart arteries may need anti-clotting drugs much longer than the one year doctors currently recommend. A large study found that continuing for another 18 months lowers the risk of heart attacks, clots and other problems.

Even quitting after 30 months made a heart attack more likely, raising a question of when it’s ever safe to stop.

It’s a big issue because the drugs can be expensive and bring risks of their own. The result is a surprise, because the trend has been toward shorter treatment, especially in Europe.

‘‘It’s a wake-up call. It’s the opposite of where we’ve been going,’’ said Dr Patrick O’Gara, clinical cardiology chief at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston and president of the American College of Cardiology.

He had no role in the study, which was led by Brigham’s Dr Laura Mauri, at the request of the federal Food and Drug Administra­tion. Results were discussed yesterday at an American Heart Associatio­n conference in Chicago and published online by the New England Journal of Medicine.

The FDA says it is mulling the results and that doctors should not change practice yet.

The study concerns care after angioplast­y, a procedure done on millions of people worldwide each year. Through a blood vessel in the groin or an arm, doctors push

‘It’s a wake-up call. It’s the opposite of where we’ve been going.’

Dr Patrick O’Gara, president of the American College of Cardiology a tube to the clog, inflate a tiny balloon to flatten it, and put in place a mesh tube called a stent to keep the artery open.

Early bare-metal stents did not work well – arteries tended to reclog quickly. Coated ones that ooze drugs to prevent that problem came out a decade ago but have their own drawback: a small risk of clots that occur months later, a serious type that often cause heart attacks and can kill.

To prevent that, people with drug-coated stents are told to take aspirin and a second type of anticlotti­ng drug for a year. But no one really knows how long the second drug is needed.

The study involved nearly 10,000 people who took aspirin plus either of the drugs Plavix or Effient for one year after getting a drug-coated stent. All stayed on aspirin for another 18 months, and half stayed on Plavix or Effient, too.

About 6 per cent of those taking only aspirin suffered a heart attack, clot or other heart-related problem during that time versus about 4 per cent of those taking a second drug. Blood clots also were more common in the aspirinonl­y group.

The added benefit of dual treatment came with a cost: more cases of moderate or severe bleeding. Still, the balance is in favour of continuing the drugs because bleeding was rarely serious, Mauri said.

A potential concern: There were more deaths from non-heartrelat­ed causes among those taking two drugs. Most were from cancer or trauma.

Researcher­s looked back and found that more people with cancer at the outset of the study wound up in the two-drug group, perhaps explaining the difference.

A safety official at the the FDA, Mary Ross Southworth, said the agency was looking closely at the unexpected finding, but preliminar­y reviews of this and previous studies did not suggest an increased risk of death from the drugs.

Eight drug- and device-makers and a grant from the US Food and Drug Administra­tion paid for the study.

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