The Post



It was wonderful to read your story of the introducti­on of the ‘‘fast’’ electric trains to the Johnsonvil­le line. One can only assume that 1938 is the last time anybody used the word ‘‘fast’’ to describe the train service in Wellington. SAM RUSSELL, Johnsonvil­le Dr Nick Smith’s approach to amending the Resource Management Act illustrate­s only too well just why Eleanor Catton’s opinion of New Zealand politician­s is very close to the mark. Legislate in haste and repent at leisure sums up our Government’s capabiliti­es. PETER WARING, Eketahuna Due credit to Russel Norman – he saw the writing on the wall. Having co-led the Greens to a reduced share of the vote in 2014, it was only a matter of time before the party realised his myopic, at times almost childlike, passion to discredit John Key was taking them nowhere. MIKE HORNER, Pinehaven My first response to Andrew Little’s speech was ‘Thank goodness for Mr Little’. Small business needs a friend. But hopes dashed. The fact he will abolish the 90-day trial period shows he really does not want to be a friend of small business. Alas, he is not alone, as every government since goodness knows when has made it tougher for small business. PETER SMITH, Khandallah Bernard Hill (Points, January 31) asks why no knighthood for The Queen. The reason is simple: for centuries the establishe­d rule has been that Her Majesty, being the fount of all honours, can not bear an honour herself. MICHAEL STRAWSON, Haywards Russel Norman resigns, trumpeted the media. My elation turned to despondenc­y when further it was revealed Norman had only resigned as Greens co-leader and he will continue as a list MP. GERRY CUNNEEN, Khandallah

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