The Post



Every driver should have their car lights on at all times. There are a lot of people who are not driving safely on the road.

If they had their lights on then roads would be much safer. I also see people driving without their lights on when it is raining and buses, Basin flyovers and many others.

Where, oh where, is the person of vision and drive who can see quite clearly the only realistic solution is a full metro system.

Just think how much traffic would disappear off the roads if we had a metro that ran from the this can be very dangerous for passengers and for drivers. If your car lights are not on then it is hard for other drivers to see you and this can end in disaster.

I find that when someone else’s lights are on, and they are coming from the other direction railway station with stations at the cable car, Courtenay Place, Basin Reserve, hospital, Rongotai, the airport and then ducked under the harbour to service Eastbourne, Days Bay and Wainuiomat­a before rejoining the rail system at Waterloo. Now that would be a modern way to solve it can wake you up and make you safer on the roads.

The law should make new cars have a sensor so that when it reaches a certain darkness the lights automatica­lly turn on. JAMES MALSHER

Whitby the city’s traffic problem and, before everyone starts squawking we can’t afford it, we can. All we have to do is what Michael Savage and the Labour government did and have the Reserve Bank extend a line of credit for a small fee. ROBERT BRYAN


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