The Post



What an unimaginat­ive set of flags in the flag panel’s top 40. They’re all just variations of the same three elements: the Southern Cross, the silver fern, and the koru. Not even a kiwi among them. Black flags remind me of the once-common pesticide of the same name. BRIAN SMITH, Kelburn The worldwide fraterniti­es of astronomer­s, botanists, surfers and mountainee­rs should be pretty excited about the long-list of flag designs chosen by the Flag Considerat­ion Panel. It’s now just a matter of waiting to see which group prevails. GARRY WHINCOP, Napier Can someone please explain why we need a new flag and why we would spend so much money on doing this when we have many options for where this money should go? Beyond me. GARY STEWART, Taupo The Bledisloe Cup was basically ignored by the New Zealand rugby public until Australia showed some interest in the 1970s and actually won the damn thing. Kiwis just wanted the Bledisloe Cup back because the Aussies showed so much interest in it. The cup is so big because the original silversmit­h in Britain, or wherever it was made, got confused between centimetre­s and inches. PETER PETTERSON, Lower Hutt I suggest Wellington bus drivers spend time with Paraparaum­u bus drivers. They would be the most helpful drivers I have ever experience­d. Our bus drivers wait until the passenger has sat down before driving off. BARBARA ROHLOFF, Paraparaum­u Will someone send the August 10 Dominion Post to Winston Peters and draw his attention to the headline showing that farming woes are not New Zealand’s alone, and that our Government has not caused the problem. JAMES HIBBS, Upper Hutt

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