The Post

Oversized coffin offers killer rental for dealer


A SECOND hand dealer is hoping to reap the benefits of having an oversized coffin for rent.

The owner of New Plymouth Auctions LTD, Stephen Parkes, has acquired a two-metre tall coffin that he intends to rent out.

‘‘If someone wants to hire it they can do what they want with it,’’ he said. ‘‘Even though it’s shaped like a coffin it’s not really functional as one because it’s too difficult to fit into a plot and you’re not allowed to burn it in cremation because it’s lined with fibre glass.

‘‘Someone recently suggested I put it up for rent, but it hasn’t been advertised or anything yet.’’

Although not a frequent practice, coffin rental from a funeral home costs around $500 to $1000.

Parkes hasn’t settled on a price to rent his coffin yet, but hinted it may be as cheap as a ‘‘box of beers’’.

Parkes said he bought the coffin from one of his customers who built it to use as a gigantic chilly bin.

‘‘I guess you could use it for an actual funeral, but I don’t think anyone would want to really.’’

Despite the coffin attracting a lot of attention from passersby Parkes said it wasn’t the strangest thing he’s had on his shelves since opening the store three years ago.

‘‘Someone brought in a real leopard skin once, and a set of WWII flying goggles and helmet,’’ he said.

Parke’s said he would keep the coffin out the front of his store until it was rented or sold, but it would not be leaving the premises until after halloween.

 ?? Photo: ROBERT CHARLES/FAIRFAX NZ ?? Stephen Parkes has a coffin to rent at his New Plymouth second hand store, but not until after Halloween.
Photo: ROBERT CHARLES/FAIRFAX NZ Stephen Parkes has a coffin to rent at his New Plymouth second hand store, but not until after Halloween.

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