The Post

The real reason why you’re always sick


minerals, in particular, vitamin D, Bs and zinc, which reduces our ability to fend off sickness.

‘‘Vitamin D is important for many essential bodily functions including calcium and phosphorou­s absorption and facilitati­ng normal immune system function,’’ say Reed and Clark. ‘‘Vitamin D is activated in the skin by sunlight, and you can obtain limited amounts through food sources such as salmon, sardines, mushrooms, egg yolk and fortified milk.’’

B vitamins, on the other hand, can reduce the effects of stress on the body and assist with boosting immunity. ‘‘B vitamins, including thiamin, riboflavin, and folate help to promote a healthy metabolism and keep your skin, gut lining and blood cells healthy,’’ say Reed and Clark. ‘‘They’re found in green vegetables, whole fortified grains, dairy, legumes, nuts, seeds and meats.’’ Zinc is essential for the functionin­g of healthy immunity and digestive systems. According to Reed and Clark, zinc helps to reduce stress levels and promote energy metabolism, plus it plays a vital role in protein synthesis and helps to regulate cell production in the immune system.

Poor gut health

According to recent studies, a low nutrient profile can lead to poor gut health, which can make us more susceptibl­e to falling sick. ‘‘The gut is comprised of 75 per cent of the body’s immune system,’’ say Reed and Clark. ‘‘There are over 400 species of microbes living in your gut, so it makes sense that if you don’t keep them healthy you are likely to get sick.’’

Nobel Prize winner and microbiolo­gist Elie Metchnikof­f once said that, ‘‘Death begins in the colon’’ based on his early 1990s research, which found that diseases and ageing are most likely due to toxic bacteria in the gut.

So what are some of the tell tale signs?

‘‘Poor gut health may result in gas, bloating, burping, and inadequate digestion.

‘‘It can also result in passing undigested food, diarrhoea, bad breath and nausea, not to mention low immune function.’’

Neela Shearer is a law graduate, but a hippie at heart who loves wholesome food, yoga and the outdoors. She is particular­ly fond of photograph­y and writing.

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