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Some top beard tips from caveman wannabe Baxter

Dave Baxter, aka Avalanche City, is touring New Zealand. He answered some questions from Taryn Utiger ahead of his gig in Wellington.

- Avalanche City plays Wellington’s Opera House on June 18 at 7.30pm. Book at Ticketek.

You’ve got some pretty neat songs. What’s the key to writing/delivering a real cracker of a song?

Ha ha, I wish there was a key, it’d make life so easy. If anything the key is to write all the time so eventually you get something good. The tricky part is knowing when you get it. Being obsessive compulsive about everything in your song probably helps too.

Tell us about your latest single, Little

Fire. What’s it about and where did it come from?

Little Fire took a really long time to write. I was changing things up until the day it went off to be mixed. I think in all it was about three years of changes. It’s about how great things often start out as a tiny spark of an idea, and they are kind of fragile, and can be put out by the smallest gust of wind but looked after they can grow into something great.

If you could collaborat­e with any artist, dead or alive, who would it be?

If I had that option I’d have to take advantage and write with one of the earliest musicians, like caveman early. The result would probably just be a lot of howling and stomping and clapping.

What has been the coolest moment of your career, so far?

Probably working with Chris Walla from Death Cab For Cutie on this last album. They were one of my earliest most influentia­l bands for me. He’s someone I’ve looked up to for a long time and we hung out for two weeks while he mixed my album. He’s down to earth and really nice, I learnt a lot from him.

How long did it take you to grow your beard? Any tips?

I’ve had this beard for an extremely long time. My tip would be if you’re trying to grow a beard but can’t get past the itchy stage, go on holiday and forget your razor. It’s happened to me and I’ve never looked back.

If you were a superhero, what would your power be?

Definitely flying.

If you could choose any one of your songs to be in an advert, what song would you pick?

I’d advertise Air NZ in exchange for loads of free flights. I’m a sucker for contra. Ends In The Ocean, although a terrible title for a song used to advertise aeroplanes, would actually be a good song for them to use. Can someone forward this on to them please? Thanks.

 ??  ?? Dave Baxter
Dave Baxter

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