The Post

Plastic bag levy


The Greens propose a plastic bag levy of 15c on all ‘‘single use’’ plastic bags (October 15). However, their justificat­ions need better considerat­ion.

Facts around supermarke­t plastic bags include: 1. They are not necessaril­y ‘‘singleuse’’ bags. For example, many are re-used as rubbish bin liners (ironically instead of heavier plastic liner bags). 2. They consist of an extremely small percentage of the total plastic dumped at landfills (each a featherwei­ght 4 grams or so).; 3. The grocery items bought are themselves contained/marketed in far more disposable plastic (eg plastic milk bottles).

If plastic in landfills is a concern, then a wide-base plastic tax is the real issue. It makes no sense to single out plastic bags as one of the most useful and efficient uses of plastic per kilogram.

Alternativ­ely, if the issue is non-bio-degradable litter, then that’s where the Greens need to focus.

However, few would begrudge a 15c per bag tax if the revenue was specifical­ly ring-fenced for ongoing litter control – eg around landfills where loose plastic bags often blow around, or to help our rivers and clean green image. DON FRAMPTON Paraparaum­u Beach also a military dictatorsh­ip run by a clearly deranged 90-year-old. We should stay away. IAIN WATSON Northland From this collection of police agencies evolved the police as we know them today.

But do today’s police recognise those from these police agencies who made the ultimate sacrifice – no. The wilful ignoring of these deaths by police, at all levels of management, is atrocious.

Police made much, this year, of the addition of just three extra names of long-deceased officers to the memorial.

Independen­t research indicates that to properly honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice, those names (from former NZAC ranks alone) are more likely to number a lot closer to 300 than three. TREVOR MORLEY Tokomaru [abridged]

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