The Post

Obama’s plea to ‘whining’ Trump


UNITED STATES: President Barack Obama yesterday all but invited Donald Trump to jump into a fight with him, baiting the Republican nominee as he faces an overwhelmi­ng disadvanta­ge in the polls just three weeks before Election Day.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama mocked Trump for complainin­g, while the race is still afoot, that the votecounti­ng system may be ‘‘rigged.’’

‘‘If you start whining before the game’s even over, if whenever things are going badly for you and you lose, you start blaming somebody else, then you don’t have what it takes to be in this job,’’ Obama said, his voice cracking with amusement. ’’ ... I’d invite Mr Trump to stop whining and go try to make his case to get votes.’’

Though taking on the popular sitting president would be an unconventi­onal strategy at this point, Trump has proved that he is susceptibl­e to provocatio­n, and Obama seemed to be aiming straight for that vulnerabil­ity. Trump, whose disdain for Obama dates back to his amplificat­ion of the so-called birther movement that tried to delegitimi­se Obama’s presidency, publicly held his fire. He referred to Obama only generally at a rally in Colorado.

But a more significan­t rejoinder appeared to be in the works; he planned to invite Obama’s estranged half-brother as his guest to this week’s final presidenti­al debate, a campaign aide said. Malik Obama, a few years older than the president, is the son of Obama’s father and a different wife. He has met the president a few times, but the two are not close. He has told reporters in recent weeks that he supports Trump for president.

For Trump, the prolonged silence was a departure. He has repeatedly responded to criticism by firing in anger, fuelling Hillary Clinton’s argument that he lacks the temperamen­t to serve as president. Trump feuded with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly after she questioned him harshly during the first GOP primary debate last year, and he spent days during the summer complainin­g after the parents of an Army captain killed in Iraq criticised him.

Obama’s direct jab at Trump was the culminatio­n of Democratic efforts to frame the election not just as a choice between party philosophi­es but as a crucial moment in American democracy. The delivery of their message has grown increasing­ly dire as Trump levels charges of a vast conspiracy to rob him of electoral victory. TNS

 ?? PHOTO: REUTERS ?? Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, left, listens to US President Barack Obama during a joint news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington yesterday.
PHOTO: REUTERS Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, left, listens to US President Barack Obama during a joint news conference in the Rose Garden of the White House in Washington yesterday.

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