The Post

Fisherman challenges govt dolphin numbers


A commercial fisherman in Taranaki has rubbished new government data which shows increased Maui’s dolphin numbers.

The research - conducted by the Department of Conservati­on and the Ministry of Primary Industries - found there are about 63 adults left in the species whereas there was previously thought to have been only 55.

New Plymouth fisherman Rob Ansley said claims by minister Nathan Guy that set-net restrictio­ns were having a positive effect on Maui’s numbers were ‘‘a load of s..t’’.

Ansley said government observers aboard fishing boats in Taranaki waters had not seen a single Maui’s dolphin since they started observing in 2012. ‘‘How can it be working if no one has ever had a confirmed sighting of these dolphins,’’ he said.

In 2012 the Government put in place set-net restrictio­ns for commercial fishermen, created the North Island marine mammal sanctuary and employed dolphin observers to look for Maui’s dolphin while on board commercial fishing vessels.

Ansley said his observer had not made a single Maui’s dolphin sighting in 900 days over the past four years.

‘‘It’s absolutely crippled my business, I used to have 18 staff, now I have myself and one other full-timer,’’ he said. ‘‘I used to love fishing, now I just want to pay off my debts and get the hell out.’’

He said the it was time for the Government to reduce the restrictio­ns or accept the results of its own findings.

A spokespers­on for MPI confirmed there had never been a Maui’s or Hectors dolphin sighting in Taranaki by an observer but said this was not unexpected. ‘‘The distributi­on of such a rare animal, especially around the edge of its distributi­on, is likely to result in very few sightings,’’ the spokespers­on said.

 ??  ?? The Government says there are now about 63 adult Maui’s dolphins.
The Government says there are now about 63 adult Maui’s dolphins.

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