The Post




Now the new tsunami zones are published, I trust the Greater Wellington regional council tosses out the plans for light rail through Kilbirnie and along Cobham Drive. Their judgment to build anything on Wellington land is becoming questionab­le and as a ratepayer I would prefer they stick to the three Rs – resilience, resilience, resilience.


Melrose I agree with the sentiments in your editorial (Justice and Paula Rebstock, December 9) and the comments of Neil Walter. What is disappoint­ing is the statement of Paula Bennett as State Services Minister back in June ignoring the conduct of Paula Rebstock and Iain Rennie. I had held her in very high regard until that time but she dropped a few rungs on the ladder as a result of her very unwise comments. As for Rebstock, she must never get another government appointmen­t. She was paid the excessive sum of $2000 a day to promote a clear breach of natural justice. Enough is enough. Raumati Beach Interestin­g that Judith Collins was right out there when she put her name in the hat for prime minister but is unwilling now to give her preference for Deputy PM. I think it is time for that tiresome nominal ‘‘Crusher’’ Collins to be put down forever. If she needs a nickname, it should be ‘‘Crafty’’ Collins. Clearly she doesn’t want to reveal her preference for deputy in case her choice is not the one. It’s called covering your backside. Khandallah Key was the leadership and English the Government. Now all that is left is a headless government? Not very inspiratio­nal. I can’t forget Bill English’s 21.8 per cent popularity in 2002 as Opposition leader. Why should we believe he can do any better as PM? Lower Hutt

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