The Post

Russia will arm rebel UN calls a terrorist


LIBYA: Russia is planning to arm a Libyan general who has been fighting the Western-backed government in Tripoli, according to aides of the strongman.

General Khalifa Haftar, 73, who has been denounced by the United Nations-supported government as a terrorist, held high-level talks last week aboard the Russian aircraft carrier stationed in the Mediterran­ean.

In the past seven months he has also met the Russian foreign and defence ministers to seek support and weapons.

The Kremlin backed Muammar Gaddafi during the 2011 uprising and has since taken a key role across the region, ordering the bombing of President Bashar alAssad’s foes in Syria and throwing its weight behind Haftar.

Last month Gennady Gatilov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, criticised the UN and the West for backing rival armed factions in Libya.

Haftar’s commanders said the aim of the Russian visits was to secure training and arms, because their fighters were struggling under the arms embargo introduced by the UN during the revolt against Gaddafi.

‘‘The Russians trust Haftar and what he is doing in Libya - fighting Islamic State and terrorism. They know he has a good track record in several wars,’’ said Akram Bouhlaiga, one of the general’s adjutants, from a base in Benghazi.

Haftar’s forces have been fighting to retake the city since May 2014. – The Times

 ??  ?? General Khalifa Haftar
General Khalifa Haftar

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