The Post

Multitask notion is a myth


Q. Are women really better multitaske­rs than men? A. Auckland University of Technology senior lecturer Pani Farvid says no.

All of our recent evidence would suggest that there is no real difference­s between men and women when it comes to their ability to multitask.

It might be seen as an establishe­d ‘‘truth’’ in our society, but the notion that women can multitask and men can’t – or are inferior in doing so – is false, and here are a few reasons why.

Both historical­ly and in the current social context, men have occupied many of the governing, leadership and other complex social roles. Does it seem in anyway reasonable to consider they do so without being able to do more than one thing at a time?

What is perhaps more accurate is that this myth grew out of classic gender stereotypi­ng, and over time has been reinforced and accepted as a convenient truth.

Global research into the brain, psychologi­cal functionin­g and cognitive abilities has also overwhelmi­ngly found more similariti­es between the two genders than difference­s. If we go out looking for difference­s, we are likely to find them, but may not observe the far greater number of similariti­es we encounter in the same search.

Now, some minor difference­s have been found when it comes to 3-D mental rotation, being agreeable or tender-minded and some sexual behaviours. But the more neutral the social or experiment­al context, these difference disappear. There is basically no such thing as a ‘‘male brain’’ or ‘‘female brain’’ and both can be trained to do pretty much anything under the right circumstan­ces.

Over the years, we have started to see that basic biological or evolutiona­ry justificat­ion for gender difference­s just don’t hold up to scientific scrutiny. What we are starting to see is some exciting research about brain plasticity, and the brain’s remarkable capacity to continuall­y rewire itself, depending on the input it gets.

So, sorry men, looks like you might have to do the dishes and keep an eye on the kids.

 ??  ?? Women are no better at multitaski­ng than men, says Pani Farvid.
Women are no better at multitaski­ng than men, says Pani Farvid.

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